Science Facing Aliens
Science Facing Aliens - Brussels, Belgian Comic Strip Centre, 11 May 2009
The Science facing Aliens meeting was organised in the framework of the 2009 International Day on Biological Diversity.
The meeting has taken stock of the progress achieved through basic and applied research on biological invasions being conducted in Belgium. It covered a broad range of topics, e.g. the mechanisms and evolution of species invasiveness, the environmental impacts of invasions together with the assessment and the management of risks.
Members of the scientific committee of the conference were the following : Tim Adriaens (INBO), Etienne Branquart (BBPF), Jean-Claude Grégoire (ULB), Francis Kerckhof (RBINS), Erik Matthysen (UA), Ivan Nijs (UA), Hendrik Segers (BBPF), Wim van Bortel (ITM), Sonia Vanderhoeven (FUSAGx) and Fabienne Van Rossum (NBGB).
Click the icon to download the list of participants : 
Ingolf Kuehn, UFZ - Key-note speech: Invasion pathways, species invasion success and habitat invasibility in Europe
SESSION 1 - Patterns, mechanisms and evolution of species invasiveness
Mediterranean container plants and their stowaways : a potential source of invasive plant species -
Ivan Hoste & Filip Verloove
On the occurrence of exotic mosquito species in Belgium : the tip of the icerberg ? -
Veerle Versteirt et al.
Sources of phenotypic variation of life history traits in an invasive species, Senecio inaequidens DC. (Asteraceae) -
Arnaud Monty & Grégory Mahy
Patterns of Prunus serotina invasion in two contrasting forests on sandy soils -
Margot Vanhellemont et al.
Welcome to the world ? Breeding alien bird species in Flanders -
Anny Anselin et al.
SESSION 2 - Impacts of invasions
Alien impact : 1. A project to quantify and explain biodiversity impacts of highly invasive plant species (HIPS) -
Ivan Nijs et al.
Alien impact : 2. Patterns of impact of HIPS on native vegetation in Belgium -
Iris Stiers et al.
Alien impact : 3. Impact of HIPS on ecosystem functioning: productivity, nutrient cycling and soil biota -
Nicolas Dassonville et al.
Alien impact : 4. Plant-pollinator interactions: methodological approaches from the field to an experimental design -
Layla Saad et al.
Alien impact : 5. Taking the heat: will climate warming fuel alien plant invasions and enhance impact on the native flora ? -
Ivan Nijs & Maya Verlinden
Alien macro-crustaceans in freshwater ecosystems in Flanders -
Pieter Boets et al.
Impact of Harmonia axyridis on native ladybird species in Belgium : 1. Niche overlap and population trends -
Tim Adriaens et al.
Impact of Harmonia axyridis on native ladybird species in Belgium : 2. Intraguild predation revealed by exogenous alkaloid sequestration -
Louis Hautier et al.
SESSION 3 - Risk assessment and management
ISEIA, a Belgian non-native species assessment protocol -
Etienne Branquart et al.
Non-indigenous freshwater fishes in Flanders : status, trends and risk assessment -
Hugo Verreycken et al.
Brussels Psittacidae : impacts, risks assessment and actions range -
Anne Weiserbs
Management strategy of invasive plants : study cases with three species in the Walloon region : Impatiens glandulifera, Fallopia spp. and Acer rufinerve -
Mathieu Halford et al.
Biological invasions : A Belgian perspective -
Branquart Etienne & Brosens Dimitri & Gonzalez Barbara & Segers Hendrik
Soil-dependent growth strategy of invasive plants : experimental evidences and model predictions using Carpobrotus edulis as target species - Eduardo de la Peña et al.
Water frogs in Wallonia : genetic identification of the introduced taxa (Pelophylax ssp.) and impact on indigenous water frogs (Pelophylax lessonae and P.kl.esculentus) - Christiane Percsy et al.
Detection of intraguild predation by Harmonia axyridis on native cocccinellids by alkaloids - Louis Hautier et al.
Invasion history and control of Callosciurus erythraeus in Dadizele, Belgium - Jan Stuyck et al.
Comparative performance between Invasive Alien Eichhornia crassipes and Native Ludwigia stolonifera under nutrient non-limiting conditions : Lake Naivasha, Kenya - Josphine Njambuya et al.
Growth performance of invasive alien Landoltia punctata and invasive alien Lemna minuta in monocultures and mixtures under different nutrient conditions - Joëlle Gérard et al.
Exotic carnivores in Flanders area expansion or repeated new input ? - Koen Van Den Berge et al.
Habitat preference of a new invasive species in Wallonia : the bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) - Youri Martin et al.
Acer rufinerve Siebold & Zucc., a new invasive tree in Belgium ? - Thomas Rafalowicz et al.
Impact of aquatic invasive species on native plant and benthic macro-invertebrate assemblages in Belgian ponds - Iris Stiers et al.
Assessing the potential impact of invasive species on native biota : a case study on the invasion of ring-necked parakeets in northern Belgium - Diederik Strubbe et al.
Checklist for aquatic aliens species in the Belgian part of the North Sea and adjacent estuaries - VLIZ aliens species consortium
Measuring invasive speed of alien plant species using data from a general mapping program in the north of Belgium - Wouter Van Landuyt
Soil arthropods associated to the invasive Senecio inaequidens and the native S. jacobaea - Valérie Vanparys et al.
Impact of Fallopia japonica on soil fauna - Sylvie Domken et al.
Comparing Fallopia japonica, F. sachalinensis and their hybrid F. xbohemica in Belgium: population ecology, functional traits and invasiveness - Basile Herpigny et al.
Alien macrobenthic species in the Sea Scheldt and its tidal tributaries (Belgium) - Frederic Piesschaert et al.
Trends in the distribution of the Chinese mitten crab in the Schelde estuary - Maarten Stevens et al.
Distribution of the Chinese pond mussel Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834) in Flanders (Belgium) - Jo Packet et al.
Distribution patterns of introduced plants differ from native plants in Lowland England - Quentin John Groom et al.
Occurrence and first breeding of Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis in Flanders (Belgium) - Geert Spanoghe et al.
Raccoon progression in the Walloon Region (Belgium) - Vinciane Schockert et al.
Comparative Study of Impatiens Species (Balsaminaceae). A Native Species Faces Invasive Alien Brothers From Asia. - Arnaud Vervoort et al.
Patterns of impacts of four highly invasive plants species on native vegetation in Belgium - Layla Saad et al.
Some pictures taken during the conference ...