Aliens on the horizon
This workshop was intended to take a closer look at measures of prioritisation, prevention, early detection & rapid response in Belgium.
Invasive alien species and pests cause substantial public health concerns, economic damage & biodiversity losses. Since such species become increasingly introduced, there is an obvious need for horizon scanning, i.e. to prioritise high-risk species and tackle them swiftly.
- M. Dumortier (European Commission) - The European Commission’s proposal for legislation to address Invasive Aliens Species

- D. Michelante (FAW/AFSCA) - The European Plant Health Regulation - an official tool to protect the Union agriculture and forestry by preventing the entry and spread of exotic pests

- E. Branquart (SPW) - Horizon scanning and risk analysis tools for pest organisms and invasive alien species in Europe

- B. D’hondt (Belgian Biodiversity Platform) - Harmonia+ : a rapid risk-screening procedure for alien species

- S. Roelandt (CODA-CERVA) - Pandora : a quick and practical first-line screening tool for parasitic and pathogenic micro-organisms

- T. Adriaens (INBO) - as an early-detection tool

- K. Goemaere (Antea Group) - Including ‘manageability’ into

- P. Tavernier (WILDPAD) - WILDTOOL, a flexible tool for first line prioritization of wildlife-borne diseases

- N. Berkvens (ILVO) - Vector required: the case of the quarantine pine wilt nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and the Monochamus longhorn beetles in Belgium

- V. Versteirt (Avia-GIS) - Invasive Aedes species on the Belgian horizon : risk mapping and rapid screening using Pandora+

- N. Moore (Great Britain Non-native Spacies Secretariat) - Invasive non-native species strategy and co-ordination

Program of the symposium 
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