Naturalization in Belgium
First observation in the wild: |
1950 |
Invasion stage: |
spread |
Spatial distribution: |
widespread |

Reproduction in the wild: |
yes |
Dispersion potential: |
medium |
Natural habitats: |
likely |
More on invasiveness: Often planted in parks and woods, Quercus rubra grows on a variety of dry-mesic to mesic sites; it occurs in rich, mesic woods, on sandy plains, rock outcrops and at the outer edges of floodplains. It is intermediate in shade tolerance and is generally considered a midseral species, but its successional status is
poorly known. It is generally unable to establish beneath its own canopy. In Lithuania, red oak seedlings have been reported to spread successfully over distances exceeding 300 meters from the parent trees. Its potential to colonise semi-natural habitats through long-distance dispersal is however uncertain in Belgian eco-climatic conditions.

Distribution in Belgium
Endangered Natura 2000 habitats (

forest habitats: |

Impacts on Species
Predation / Herbivory: |
low |
Competition: |
high |
Disease transmission: |
low |
Genetic effects: |
low |

Impacts on Ecosystems
Nutrient cycling: |
high |
Physical alteration: |
likely |
Natural successions: |
likely |
Food web alteration: |
low |
More on impacts: Where planted, red oak recruitment rate is very high and young trees can form a dense understorey excluding ground vegetation and other tree species. Exclusion of ferns and grasses is favoured by the release of allelochemicals by leaves and roots. It is favoured over other tree species by heavy cutting because of its sprouting ability. Red oak is characterised by a species-poor phytophagous and saproxylic community in comparison to native oaks. Litter is hardly degraded and favours soil acidification. The species has also been reported to accelerate colonisation of open habitats near forest edges.

Data Source & References
Authors: |
Branquart Etienne, Vanderhoeven Sonia, Van Landuyt Wouter, Van Rossum Fabienne, Verloove Filip |
Published on: |
04 December 2007 |
Last update: |
12 October 2012 |
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