 Naturalization in Belgium
First observation in the wild: |
1868 |
Invasion stage: |
spread |
Spatial distribution: |
widespread |
Reproduction in the wild: |
yes |
Dispersion potential: |
high |
Natural habitats: |
high |
More on invasiveness: I. parviflora is the only exotic plant being dispersed on a large scale in European forests. It prefers shaded and moist nutrient-rich stands but can also develop in acidic conditions. It thrives in beech and alder forests, but also in parks, hedgerows, forest edges, waste grounds and ruderal habitats. Its development is favoured by habitat perturbation and forest management practices (e.g. soil compaction). It easily penetrates into degraded and floristically impoverished communities, but dense groundlayer may provide an effective barrier to its expansion. Small yellow balsam is intolerant to late frost. Seeds may be dispersed over long distances via epizoochory (mammal fur) and water.
 Distribution in Belgium
 Impacts on Species
Predation / Herbivory: |
low |
Competition: |
medium |
Disease transmission: |
low |
Genetic effects: |
low |
 Impacts on Ecosystems
Nutrient cycling: |
unknown |
Physical alteration: |
low |
Natural successions: |
medium |
Food web alteration: |
low |
More on impacts: Impatiens parviflora can make dense populations in invaded sites, e.g. under tree canopies. Reduction of plant richness and potential competition of several native forest herbaceous plant species (e.g. Asarum europaeum, Galeobdolon luteum, Galium odoratum, Impatiens noli-tangere and Mercurialis perennis) were reported in the literature. However, detailed impact on native vegetation is still poorly understood and seems to be rather limited.
 Data Source & References
Authors: |
Branquart Etienne, Vanderhoeven Sonia, Van Landuyt Wouter, Van Rossum Fabienne, Verloove Filip and Vervoort Arnaud |
Published on: |
05 December 2007 |
Last update: |
22 December 2010 |
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