Naturalization in Belgium
First observation in the wild: |
1930 |
Invasion stage: |
spread |
Spatial distribution: |
widespread |

Reproduction in the wild: |
yes |
Dispersion potential: |
high |
Natural habitats: |
medium |
More on invasiveness: This deciduous shrub mostly thrives in various ruderal areas and disturbed grounds (e.g. railway embankments, fallow lands and sand quarries), but also in warm semi-natural habitats with well-drained soils like gravel shores, dunes or rock outcrops. The small and winged seeds can be carried great distances by the wind, water, and occasionally by cars. Climate change is likely to trigger higher invasiveness in Europe during the next decades.

Distribution in Belgium

Impacts on Species
Predation / Herbivory: |
low |
Competition: |
high |
Disease transmission: |
low |
Genetic effects: |
low |

Impacts on Ecosystems
Nutrient cycling: |
medium |
Physical alteration: |
likely |
Natural successions: |
medium |
Food web alteration: |
low |
More on impacts: Due to its strong dispersion potential, its high resource utilisation efficiency compared to native species and its ability to quickly form dense monospecific populations, the butterfly bush accelerates and dominate early successions and displaces native pioneer species living in open and sunny habitats. It also impedes the growth and reproduction of other species of trees and shrubs and is able to outcompete Betula pendula on nitrogen-poor soils as well as under conditions of water stress. It may alter soil N:P stoichiometry. Dense populations are however rarely observed in semi-natural habitats in Western Europe.

Data Source & References
Authors: |
Branquart Etienne, Vanderhoeven Sonia, Van Landuyt Wouter, Van Rossum Fabienne, Verloove Filip |
Published on: |
04 December 2007 |
Last update: |
01 August 2022 |
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