Gérald Duhayon, Parc Naturel des Plaines de l'Escaut
Gérald Duhayon, Parc Naturel des Plaines de l'Escaut
Emmanuel Delbart, FUSAGx
Etienne Branquart, Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Gérald Duhayon, Parc Naturel des Plaines de l'Escaut
Naturalization in Belgium
First observation in the wild: |
1912 |
Invasion stage: |
spread |
Spatial distribution: |
restricted |
Reproduction in the wild: |
yes |
Dispersion potential: |
high |
Natural habitats: |
medium |
More on invasiveness: A. filiculoides settles in ponds, ditches, water reservoirs, wetlands, channels and slow flowing rivers, often together with Lemna minuta. It does not tolerate turbulence or fast flowing water. It is able to grow in nitrogen-deficient waters through its symbiotic association with Anabaena azollae but is limited by phosophorus availability; it generally prefers (very) eutrophic and alkaline waters with organic bottoms. Although the fern has been reported to die at temperatures below –4°C, there is some evidence that it might have adapted to West European climate since its introduction. The plant is spread in flood waters and by the movement of birds, animals and
Distribution in Belgium
Endangered Natura 2000 habitats ( ):
freshwater habitats: |
Impacts on Species
Predation / Herbivory: |
low |
Competition: |
medium |
Disease transmission: |
low |
Genetic effects: |
low |
Impacts on Ecosystems
Nutrient cycling: |
medium |
Physical alteration: |
medium |
Natural successions: |
likely |
Food web alteration: |
low |
More on impacts: A. filiculoides can form dense floating monospecific mats at the surface of water bodies that reduce light penetration and gas exchanges, causing the predominance of respiratory activities and the reduction in dissolved oxygen in water beneath the mats. These mats often reduce the development of algae, other aquatic plants and animals. Dense populations seems however to be transient and well localised in Belgium due e.g. to consumption by Cyprinid fish and the North American azolla weevil, Stenopelmus rufinasus. Free-floating weeds can be drawn into water intakes, blocking pumps and filters, and can mat together forming floating rafts, which cause flow problems and obstructions to weirs, locks and other structures.
Data Source & References
Authors: |
Branquart Etienne, Stiers Iris, Triest Ludwig, Vanderhoeven Sonia, Van Landuyt Wouter, Van Rossum Fabienne, Verloove Filip |
Published on: |
04 December 2007 |
Last update: |
31 July 2022 |
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