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© Etienne Branquart, Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Procyon lotor - Raccoon

French name:  Raton laveur
Dutch name: Wasbeer
Family: Procyonidae
Group: Mammals
Origin: North America
Habitat: terrestrial
Introduction:  fur farming, game/fish stocking
ISEIA Score : 11
Naturalization in Belgium
First observation in the wild: 1986
Invasion stage: spread
Spatial distribution: restricted
Reproduction in the wild: yes
Dispersion potential: high
Natural habitats: high
More on invasiveness: Raccoon prefers wetlands and old decidous forests with hollow trees, often adjacent to water. It is however able to adapt to a high diversity of other environmental conditions, including urbanised areas.
Distribution in Belgium
Established populations
absent from district
isolated populations (1-5 localities per district)
widespread (>5 localities per district)

Impacts on Species
Predation / Herbivory: high
Competition: likely
Disease transmission: likely
Genetic effects: low
Impacts on Ecosystems
Nutrient cycling: low
Physical alteration: low
Natural successions: low
Food web alteration: likely
More on impacts: In Japan and in the USA, large-scale changes in abundance of raccoons have had demonstrable negative consequences for different organisms due to its predation activity (e.g. ground nesting birds and amphibians). Increasing evidence of raccoon impact on native preys is also found in Western Europe since a few years, as a result of population increase in Germany and neighbour areas (see e.g. Fiderer et al 2019, Rabitsch et al 2020 and Cichocki et al 2021). Raccoon may also compete with native species for nesting cavities and also cause cascading effects on food webs (Kobayashi et al 2014, Suraci et al 2016). Raccoon is included in the appendix to the recommendation no 77 of the Council of Europe as a species which has proved to be a threat to biological diversity and for which eradication is strongly recommended.
Data Source & References
Authors: Branquart Etienne, D'aes Margo, Manet Benoît, Motte Grégory, Schockert Vinciane, Stuyck Jan
Published on:  18 September 2007
Last update:  02 August 2022
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