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© Etienne Branquart
© Etienne Branquart
© Etienne Branquart
© Etienne Branquart
© Etienne Branquart
© Etienne Branquart
© Etienne Branquart, Belgian Biodiversity Platform
© Etienne Branquart, Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Acer rufinerve - Red veined maple

Synonym: A. pensylvanicum ssp rufinerve
French name:  Erable à feuilles de vigne
Dutch name: Grijze streepjesbastesdoorn
Family: Aceraceae
Group: Vascular plants
Origin: Asia
Habitat: terrestrial
Introduction:  agri- and horticulture
ISEIA Score : 10
Naturalization in Belgium
First observation in the wild: 1990
Invasion stage: naturalization
Spatial distribution: isolated
Reproduction in the wild: yes
Dispersion potential: high
Natural habitats: high
More on invasiveness: In Belgium as in its native range, Acer rufinerve is an early successional forests species which occupies forest edges, small gaps and the understorey of acidic woodlands dominated by light-demanding trees (oaks). It mainly thrives in semi-shaded areas and diminishes in number as succession proceeds. It avoids dense forests dominated by beech trees. Belgian populations are established on acidic loamy to sandy soils (brown acidic to podzolic soils), often together with Prunus serotina. Trees produce a huge number of seeds that may be dispersed by wind over several hundreds of meters away from the mother tree. Acer rufinerve is commonly used as an ornamental and is planted in gardens and public green areas.
Distribution in Belgium
Established populations
absent from district
isolated populations (1-5 localities per district)
widespread (>5 localities per district)
Endangered areas
low risk
medium risk
high risk

Endangered Natura 2000 habitats ():
forest habitats: 91209190
Impacts on Species
Predation / Herbivory: low
Competition: likely
Disease transmission: unknown
Genetic effects: unknown
Impacts on Ecosystems
Nutrient cycling: unknown
Physical alteration: likely
Natural successions: likely
Food web alteration: low
More on impacts: Field observations in Belgium suggest that the red-veined maple impairs the regeneration of other tree species and reduces the diversity of herbaceous plants where it develops dense thickets. Information on impacts is poorly documented in the scientific literature.
Data Source & References
Authors: Branquart Etienne, Dupriez Pascal, Vanderhoeven Sonia, Van Landuyt Wouter, Van Rossum Fabienne, Verloove Filip.
Published on:  16 March 2009
Last update:  30 November 2011
Debelder, J. & Misonne, X. (1999)
Arbres et arbustes pour parcs et jardins.
La Maison Rustique, 224 pp.
Halford, M. & Delbart, E. (2010)
Fiche descriptive d'Acer rufinerve Siebold et Zuccarini 1875
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Laboratoire d’Ecologie, Cellule d’appui à la gestion des plantes invasives.
Rafalowicz, T., Branquart, E. & Halford, M. (2009)
Acer rufinerve Siebold & Zucc., a new invasive tree in Belgium ?
Abstract Volume of the Science Facing Aliens Conference, Brussels 11th May 2009, Belgian Biodiversity Platform.
Sakai, S. (1987)
Patterns of branching and extension growth of vigorous saplings of Japanese Acer in relation to their regeneration strategies.
Canadian Journal of Botany 65 : 1578-1585.
Tanaka, H., Shibata, M., Masaki, T., Iida, S., Niiyama, K., Abe, S.,Kominami, Y. & Nakashizuka, T. (2008)
Comparative demography of three coexisting Acer species in gaps and under closed canopy.
Journal of Vegetation Science 19: 127-138.
Verzele, C. (2010)
Acer rufinerve, une espèces invasive à surveiller.
Travail de fin d'études, Master en Sciences Agronomiques, HEPHC.

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